Jun 21, 2012

Mary Alice ;)

In life we all make plans, but sometimes they don't turn out the way we expected. By trying to help out, we may damage a relationship. By attempting to reach out, we may push someone further away. By digging into the past, we may enrich our present.

When we see an opportunity in life, we have to take it. Whether it's the hope of winning back the love of our life, a shot at proving our worth, or the chance to show a child the right path, but sometimes when we answer the call we have no idea what opportunity awaits us.

It isn't easy giving up power admitting that we might need help from friends and neighbors, deciding that a loved one might know what's best for us, giving up our better judgment for a slightly darker agenda, but for some the hardest kind of power to give up is the power to control their own desires.

Good friends are the ones who tell us the truth about ourselves... even when the truth might be something we're reluctant to admit - that we still have a great deal to learn, that we sometimes need to ask for help, that we maybe overlooking a golden opportunity. Yes, hearing the truth can often set us on a different path, but we never know where that path might take us or who might be watching.

There comes a time when we must expose our weaknesses. When our secrets can no longer remain private, when our solitude can no longer be denied, when our pain can no longer be ignored, but sometimes we feel so alone that a weaknesses we thought we'd overcome suddenly becomes too long to fight.

Love can bring out the best in us... the confidence to move on, the courage to tell the truth, the strength to keep hoping, but sometimes what surprises us the most isn't what love brings out but who it brings back.

We may think we're all destined to play certain roles, but sometimes those roles can unexpectedly change: a nervous student may discover a hidden confidence; a long time wife may confront a harsh reality; a busy mother may find her attention needed elsewhere; and a woman who wanted to do a little bit of good may be finding herself playing a much bigger role than she intended.

We often learn our most important lessons outside the classroom. The painful truth about the state of a relationship, the ugly cost of challenging authority, the sad fact that life's colors aren't always rosy, then are those who refuse to accept these important lessons. They simply wait to teach a lesson of their own.

Warum klammern wir uns so...

Wir alle tragen etwas mit uns herum...
Natürlich ist es schön wenn wir jemand neben uns haben, der uns die last abnehmen kann.
Aber normalerweise ist es uns leichter einfach fallen zu lassen was wir getragen haben, damit wir schneller nach Hause kommen, vorausgesetzt natürlich das jemand da ist um uns zu begrüssen wenn wir ankommen.
Warum klammern wir uns so an dieses Gepäck auch wenn wir umbedingt weiter kommen wollen??? Weil wir alle wissen das wir möglicherweise zu früh loslassen...

Jun 11, 2012

I was born with an enormous need for affection and a terrible need to give it...

Women, Men, Poor`s, Riches...we are all people. 
People that are good, other less good, fair people and some unfair, all kind of people, white or black...we are all human. 
No matter how poor or how rich we are, no matter how good we are or how bad we can be, how fair we are or not, no matter what colour we are or what kind of character we have...because each of us is different, special, original, everyone of us is unique in his own way but in the same time we all have so many things in common.
We all have needs...in principle all the same, we need power and strength, we need trust, we need success, improvement and respect.
But all of us have a continuos need..."we are thirsty"!!! "Thirsty" of affection.
 A touch, a smile, a sweet word, a compliment, a listening ear...even if some of us recognise all these needs sooner or later and some of us won`t recognise them ever, somewhere deep deep in our heart we all need affection.
Each one of us need that warm hug when we feel lonely or when we feel cold.
We all need "the moment" when someone kisses you and your darkest day turns into the sunniest one.
The sunniest day turns into something unclear after the kiss and distracts you from everything that`s surrounding you.
 The subconscious attracts our attention on that caring person when we actually realise that this person is the one and only where we want to be at and that we should try to keep it next to us.
 We realise that we received a beautiful gift, a moment of happiness and joy when we should laugh and cry, both in the same time, but the most of us, ask our self's "Why?"

The smile is because of the fact that we are happy and we finally received what we have searched or wished for.
The tear is for the fear that we could loose something, something that we`ve never had, something that doesn`t belong us!!!


There are so many THINGS that we don`t understand. So many MOMENTS when everything else doesn`t matters. WORDS we say that hurt people we love and DREAMS that we will never forget. SONGS that we can`t listen too and PLACES that wake up so many beautiful memories. There is and will always be A PERSON we miss so much. We have MEMORIES that just break our hearts and FEELINGS that we can`t controlle, TEARS that come unexpectedly and dry our heart. There will always be SOMETHING that we could have done better. We all have DAYS when we don`t know anymore which way, HOURS when we feel lonley, MINUTES when we actually realise what we are really missing and SECONDS when we feel lost and unsure... There are moments in life when the whole world stops for a second and then starts again on a different way and then everything is different and nothing else will be the same.

Jun 8, 2012

Zum Nachdenken

Stelle dir vor, du hast bei einem Wettbewerb folgenden Preis gewonnen: Jeden Morgen, stellt dir die Bank 86400 Euro auf deinem Bankkonto zur Verfügung. Doch dieses Spiel hat auch Regeln, so wie jedes Spiel bestimmte Regeln hat. Die erste Regel ist: Alles was du im Laufe des Tages nicht ausgegeben hast, wird dir wieder weggenommen, du kannst das Geld nicht einfach auf ein andere...s Konto überweisen, du kannst es nur ausgeben. Aber jeden Morgen, wenn du erwachst, eröffnet dir die Bank eine neues Konto mit neuen 86400 Euro für den kommenden Tag. Zweite Regel: Die Bank kann das Spiel ohne Vorwarnung beenden, zu jeder Zeit kann sie sagen: Es ist vorbei. Das Spiel ist aus. Sie kann das Konto schließen und du bekommst kein neues mehr. Was würdest du tun??? Du würdest dir alles kaufen was du möchtest? Nicht nur für dich selbst, auch für alle Menschen die du liebst...... vielleicht sogar für Menschen die du nicht kennst, da du das nie alles nur für dich alleine ausgeben könntest....... Du würdest versuchen, jeden Cent auszugeben und ihn zu nutzen oder??? Aber eigentlich ist dieses Spiel die Realität: Jeder von uns hat so eine "magische Bank"..... Wir sehen das nur nicht.... Die magische Bank ist die Zeit..... Jeden Morgen, wenn wir aufwachen, bekommen wir 86400 Sekunden Leben für den Tag geschenkt und wenn wir am Abend einschlafen, wird uns die übrige Zeit nicht gutgeschrieben.... Was wir an diesem Tag nicht gelebt haben, ist verloren, für immer verloren, Gestern ist vergangen. Jeden Morgen beginnt sich das Konto neu zu füllen, aber die Bank kann das Konto jederzeit auflösen, ohne Vorwarnung.... Was machst du also mit deinen täglichen 86400 Sekunden??? Sind sie nicht viel mehr wert als die gleiche Menge in Euro? Also fang an dein Leben zu leben !! Einen schönen Tag und nutzt die Zeit!!!! ;)