Sep 16, 2010

See The Thing about Life Is That It’s Just Too Short
Leave The Best behind and Only Then You’ll Find There’s More to Life than You First Thought`!!!

Life is a game...

Life is like a beautiful song, only the lyrics are messed up...but you shouldn`t give up and you shouldn`t break down because sooner than it seems life will turn around!!!
Life remains an art which everyone must learn and no one can teach!!!
The art of living lies in a fine mingling between letting go and in the same time holding on.
In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and lots of unforgettable memories.
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
We should try to give meaning to life, not wait for life to give us meaning. If life is a gift accept it...if life is a tragedy than face it...if life is an challenge dare it...if life is a promis fulfill it...if life is a journey complete it!!!
Life is just a game so play it!!!

May 22, 2010

This beautiful city feels empty...

This beautiful city feels empty. All the people in the world and you can still feel lonely....what's the point of having it all without the person you love. Sometimes you just need to start again in order to fly!!!

May 19, 2010

No princess...

Once ...
far away and long ago
was a tale, my daddy told
to me
He said:
There´s a land of fantasy
there´s a prince who´ll fight for me till the end

This isn´t help
I find supposed to be
you´re the one
who I had next to me
if it sounds like love
we fell in the hands
of the wreckless
this is not fairytale
and I am no princess

by Rihanna

May 3, 2010

I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it...

Femei, barbati, saraci, bogati, suntem oameni. Oameni mai buni, altii mai putin buni, oameni cinstiti iar altii mai necinstiti, oameni de tot felul, oameni albi sau oameni negrii...dar tot oameni suntem!!! Indiferent de cat de bogati sau de saraci suntem, indiferent de cat de buni sunt unii sau cat de cinstiti sunt altii, indiferent de culoare si indiferent de caracter. Fiecare este diferit, special, original, fiecare dintre noi este unic in felul lui, si totusi avem si multe in comun. Avem multe nevoi, dar in principiu sunt c-am aceleasi, avem nevoie de putere, avem nevoie de incredere, avem nevoie de realizare, de aprobare, de respect. Dar cu totii avem o nevoie mare, o nevoie continua...tutoror ne este "sete"! Ne este "sete" de afectiune!!!
O simpla mangaiere, un zambet, o vorba dulce, un compliment sau o ureche ascultatoare...Chiar daca unii recunosc aceaste nevoi mai devreme sau mai tarziu sau poate nu le recunosc niciodata, undeva acolo adanc in suflet fiecare dintre noi avem nevoie de afectiune. Fiecare avem nevoie de imbratisarea aceea stransa si calda atunci cand ne simtim singuri sau cand ne e frig. Fiecare dintre noi avem nevoie de momentul acela in care primim un sarut care ori ne lumineaza ziua intunecoasa ori o face neclara pe cea senina si frumoasa. Iar ziua aceea senina si frumoasa devine neclara in urma sarutului care ne distrage atentia de la absolut orice din jur. Subconstientul tinde sa ne atraga atentie asupra acelei persoane dragi, cand la un moment dat ne dam seama ca persoana cu care suntem este persoana pe care ar trebuii sa o pastram aproape de noi. Realizam ca in acea clipa primim cel mai frumos cadou, o clipa de fericire in care ar trebuii sa radem si sa plangem in acelasi moment, si multi dintre noi ne intrebam, oare de ce??? Zambetul este datorita faptului ca suntem bucurosi si fericiti ca am gasit in sfarsit ceea ce ne-am dorit, ceea ce am cautat, iarasi lacrima ar fii datorita faptului ca ne-ar fii teama sa pierdem ceva, ceva ce inca nu a fost niciodata al nostru!!!

May 1, 2010

About me...

I have made mistakes in my life, I have let people take advantage of me, I have let people down and I accepted way less than I deserve. But I`ve learned from my bad choices and even tough there are some things I can never get back and people who will never be sorry, I will know better next time and I won`t settle for anything less than I deserve!!! be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment!!! I will keep fighting, trying to be me, to be great and to win!!!!